
All my quotes, poems, writings, words of wisdom, thoughts, and feelings expressed on this page are owned by me and will have my signature ~~jamie~~ on all my original posts.
**Please feel free to share, like, and/or re-post them on Social Media as long as I am credited as original owner.
I will post other pages,quotes, poems, memes, statuses, etc. that do not belong to me, that I like to my blog.
**These are not property of my page, nor will I take credit for them as my own. They belong to each original person, page, website, blog, etc.that I found them on and will be properly credited unless originality is not known..
♥ Thank you for joining me on my creative journey as a writer.♥
I hope to grow and thrive as a writer as time goes on. I am excited to see what the future holds for me as I am fulfilling a dream. Wish me luck!

Positive comments, advice, encouragement, etc are welcomed and encouraged. And I gladly accept constructive criticism. As I am a newbie writer and what to tap fully into my creative side, I am completely open to ideas, thoughts, feelings, mentoring, etc.
Negativity nor discrimination is allowed on my blog.
Everyone is welcome here regardless of age (prefer adults), sex, religion, sexual orientation, race, etc.
I have no intentions of deliberately offending anyone but I may post some mild profanity, mild sexual innuendos, adult humor, etc.).
Please be respectful to me and to all others on my page.
I do not tolerate Rude, mean, ignorant people will not be tolerated.  They will be blocked, banned, and banished from my blog forever. Okay, there are exceptions.
All issues will be addressed if any discrepancies arise.

Whew, now that all that stuff is out of the way, Welcome!
email: starryjlc@yahoo.com
Proud Supporter of Mental Illness Awareness
**Mental Health Blogger
Positively Depressed
Positively Depressed
**Social Media Addict


Unleashing the Chaos 2015

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